Archives for how much are shade sails

What do shade sails cost?

Shade Sail Costs Broken Down

What do shade sails cost?

We are often asked this question early on in conversations with our customers. We understand that cost is a concern for most buyers. Given, we do our best to ensure not only the best quality products, but also the best pricing.

The total cost of a shade structure will vary from project to project based on a number of factors. Shade sails can vary on prince based on size, area and type. Whether you are a DIY-er or a commercial contractor, the two most driving factors of price when it comes to shade sails are design and what you are shading.

What Are You Shading?

What do I mean by “what you are shading”? Well, is it a playground shade structure or going over a parking area?

Each area could be the same square footage but one may be more expensive to install than the other based on the location and design. For instance, the majority of playground shade canopies must be elevated to a considerable height in order to clear the tall towers of the playground equipment.

This will necessitate going much higher than the carport shade, requiring larger and taller steel columns and supports, thus necessitating larger equipment for installation.

When designing shade sails, we have the freedom to design around any architecture, area, or taste. Shade completely changes the way an area looks based on its design. This may require custom columns and overlapping material. Both of which can drive up the cost of a project depending on the level of customization.

Shade Sail Costs Varies on Project Details

Typical designs use a shade overlap of 3 feet for maximum shade coverage. Overlapping any more than this creates a great deal of redundant material in the air, and while it may add to the aesthetics, it also adds to the cost.

Shade Sails are already a very cost-effective way to shade an area. we always try to offer a cost-efficient approach when a target budget is required. The average custom designed shade sail typically ranges from $18 per square foot to $50 dollars per square foot. This is very affordable when compared to our custom shade sails VS, Costco shade sails or Home Depot shade sails which are on average $30 dollars per square foot. The biggest difference you will see is the material. For more information on the shade cloth materials we work with please visit our Shade Sail Materials Page.

If you have any questions or would like to inquire about pricing for a custom design, feel free to visit our Contact Us Page.